Saturday, May 19, 2012

In giving the thumbs-up to Google's acquisition of Motorola, regulators in China stipulated that Google must make Android free and open for five years, a source with knowledge of the situation confirmed with CNET today. The stipulation would seem to be designed to keep Google from denying Motorola's handset competitors access to the mobile operating system, or from giving Motorola an advantage...

Friday, May 18, 2012

The “socialification” of Google products continues with some very cool tweaks announced by the Gmail team. The product has improved its contact search and will now surface more information about them, such as previous email conversations as well as a photo and their Google+ profile link. Here’s what the team had to say about it today: When you search for an email address, the search...

Thursday, May 03, 2012

It might not be a feature that everyone uses day to day, but it’s a welcome one nonetheless: Google has added a native translate feature to Gmail that will translate any emails you receive into English. It’s not a new feature, first making an appearance in the Gmail labs back in 2009, but now it’s passed rigorous testing and been unleashed so that everyone can enjoy it. It’ll come in...